Хэвлэлийн мэдээ. Press Release in Mongolian. 2010-4-6
Улаанбатаар хотын нийтийн төв номын сан нь ДЭЙЗИ /DAISY/ форматын цахим номыг Монголд нэвтрүүлэх төслийг 1 жилийн хугацаатай хэрэгжүүлнэ.
Хөгжиж байгаа болон шилжилтийн үед байгаа улс орнууд дахь номын сангуудыг нийгмийн амьдралын төв болоход нь туслах, технологийн хэрэглээгээр дамжуулан хүмүүсийн амьдралыг дээшлүүлэх номын сангийн шинэлэг үйлчилгээг бий болгох зорилготой Нийтийн Номын Сангийн Шинэчлэлийн Хөтөлбөр нь Билл болон Мелинда Гейтсийн сангаас санхүүжигдэн, elFL.net байгууллагаар дамжин хэрэгжинэ.
Иргэдийн амьдралаа дээшлүүлэхэд нь туслаж чадах, тэдний хэрэгцээнд нийцэх технологийг үйлчилгээндээ нэвтрүүлэх төслийн уралдаант шалгаруулалтанд Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн төв номын сангийн “ДЭЙЗИ Тоон ярьдаг номын төвийг байгуулах” төсөл шалгарчээ.
Дэлхийн 49 орны нийтийн номын сангуудын 300 гаруй төслөөс шалгаруулсан 10 төслийг нэг нь болж чадсан энэхүү төслийн хүрээнд Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн төв номын сан дээр ДЭЙЗИ форматын электрон номыг үүсгэх студийг байгуулж, харааны бэрхшээлтэй иргэдэд үйлчилдэг одоогийн Ярьдаг номын төвийнхөө үйлчилгээнд төдийгүй 21 аймгийн нийтийн төв номын сангуудаар дамжуулан Монголын хараагүйчүүдийн үндэсний холбооны орон нутгийн салбар нэгж бүрт ДЭЙЗИ форматын электрон номуудыг түгээж, номын сангийн үйлчилгээнд ашиглаж эхлэнэ.
Уг төсөл нь 2010 оны 4-р сараас 2011 оны 3-р сар хүртэл төслийн санхүүжилтээр хэрэгжиж, улмаар Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн төв номын сангийн бүтцийн салшгүй хэсэг болж цаашид тогтвортой үргэлжилнэ.
The DAISY center established in July 2010, at Ulaanbaatar Public Library by Public Library Innovation Program (PLIP from EIFL) support and cooperation Mongolian National Federation of the Blind.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Press Release in Mongolian - Хэвлэлийн мэдээ
DAISY Talking Books Center : Progress Report – August, 2010
eifl.net Public Library Innovation Program (PLIP)
Progress Report
- Summary Information
Organization Name: | Ulaanbaatar City Public Library |
Project Title: | Establishment of DAISY Digital Talking Books Center |
Primary Contact Name: | Ch.Altantsetseg – Project coordinatar |
Primary Contact Email: | ch_alt57@yahoo.com, ubplibrary@gmail.com |
Reporting Period: | 01/5/2010-16/8/2010 |
Date Submitted: | 16/7/2010 |
Next Report Due: | 20/11/2010 |
II. Progress Narrative
a. Please list successes in implementing the project during the reporting period.
The funds approved for the implementation of the project were received at the account of the State Central Foundation, the Ministry of Finance of Mongolia, on May 6, 2010, and were transferred to the State Foundation of the Ulaanbaatar City Municipality on May 17, 2010. We submitted the documents related to the Project to this Foundation and thus got permission to use the money allocated there at our account on May 20.
On May 24-27, 2010 the delegation of the Ulaanbaatar Public Library, including Ms. Ch.Altantsetseg, Project Coordinator, and Mr. J.Begzsuren, Project's IT Advisor, participated in the PLIP Meeting in Ljubljana city, Slovenia.
This Meeting provided an excellent chance to exchange views and news with the people concerned in the library developments, learns from the valuable experience of other winner-libraries and helped to fully realize all the requirements that should be followed during the project implementation process.
When arrived we started our work from the issue of primary importance which was the setting up of the DAISY Studio. For the Studio being able to fulfill its tasks properly, we approached the Mongolian National Center of Standardization and conducted the construction and electric repairing work in accordance with requirements of the Center.
The DAISY Studio consists of 3 parts which are as follows: (a) Recording Cabin for the Sighted Reader, (b) Producer's Room for the Daisy Expert and (c) Office Room.
The Recording Cabin and Producer's Room was assembled with a plywood of 1.5 cm thickness. The ceiling was changed by fixing a hanging/suspension ceiling that was to reduce noise from the outside. The entire inside wall of the Cabin was covered by a 1.5 cm Mongolian white fine felt that was applied in two layers. Additionally, the felt itself was covered by the fabric suitable to the acoustics. Also the heating pipes close to these rooms were wrapped by felt.
The Recording Cabin and the Producer's Room were divided off by a door made of sound-blocking vacuum materials. These 2 rooms are also separated by a 2-glasses-vacuum window. In addition, the floor in 2 rooms was wholly covered by a carpet with a felt and rubber on the bottom side.
The Office Room wall's paint base was twice applied and then painted with a light green color emulsion, and the floor covered with PVC materials. Also the Office Room window was changed by a vacuum one to reduce the noise from the street. The door was changed to have a better look.
A special attention was paid to the repair of the electrical networks in the studio. For it being functioned well to meet technical safety and fire prevention conditions, all the lamps and plugs were changed, and the cable was connected from the library's central electrical control panel.
In accordance with the instructions given by EIFL, the logo and banners of the funding and cooperated organizations were designed and printed out. They could be seen in the DAISY Studio where also the room address and other necessary signs are placed.
Another important work conducted was the successful procurement of all the needed equipment including 2 pcs of Plextalk PTR-2 (Digital Book Recorder) from Shinano Kenshi Co. Ltd, Japan and 40 pcs of Book Sense-DAISY players from HIMS Co. Ltd, South Korea. The procurement was conducted via the bank transfer of payments as well as the contacts with DHL, FedEx and the Customs offices.
During this period bought were 2 computers that meet the requirements (noiseless power supply block, processor's fan and hard disc) for the work in a DAISY environment. These computers were purchased with the supplies which are as follows: USB external sound card, 2 sets of studio microphone, 2 sets of headphone and additional cables).
One more computer was bought for the use in the DAISY Talking Book Center where people can browse the Internet for improving knowledge and for copying DAISY digital books directly to the BookSense DAISY player from that computer.
We contacted to the Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities asking them to help with the programming/licensing issues and thus were provided with a right to download and use on our computers the software for recording DAISY books.
Above this, the software for making DAISY books named was needed. The licensing with the permission to download and use it was to be received for starting our activities. Fortunately, this permission was kindly and promptly provided by the Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities. The name of the program is "My Studio PC".
From the shortlist of all the candidates, Ms. M.Erdenechimeg was chosen for the work in the Studio as a sighted reader. She is a graduate of the Journalism Faculty and used to work in the studio of FM 98.5 that is operative in Ulaanbaatar city.
The DAISY expert conducted 1-week software training for the sighted reader while teaching her how to deal with electronic equipment and how to make the recording with the use of "My Studio PC" software.
The manual for using the "BookSense – DAISY Player" was prepared to distribute in the libraries of 21 provinces and other places. Now the manual is being designed for the publication. Also the manual has been read as an audio manual.
A public opinion poll was conducted for finalizing the list of books that should be recorded. For getting opinions, a 5-page Large Script as well as a 4-page Braille text with DAISY introduction materials was prepared to be distributed among the low vision and blind people. The Project implementing officers took part in the Youth Forum and the Open Discussion Meeting of Women organized by the Mongolian National Federation of the Blind (MNFB). At these meetings they participated in debates, explained the tasks of the DAISY Project and disseminated the opinion poll materials. Much talk was around the questions of improving library services, mailing and transportation, educational status of the young and blind and the skill development of the adults.
The Youth Forum was held in the MNFB Culture Center on June 2 and was attended by 50 delegates. The Women's Open Discussion was conducted on June 10-11 in Ulaanbaatar where all 21 provinces as well as 9 districts of the capital city were presented by 40 delegates. At the Discussion Meeting we met with MNFB activists in 21 provinces, MNFB Board Members, members of the Women's Council of the Federation, members of Culture, Sport and Elderly Councils, as well as people from the Rehabilitation and Training Center for the Blind, and the Specialized School No 116. Totally almost 100 persons were explained in detail about DAISY books project and answers were received to the opinion poll questionnaire.
Thanks to the above-mentioned activities to introduce the purpose and tasks of the Project, many more people contacted us by telephone and sent their suggestions in a written form. After a thorough consideration of the received answers and all the opinion poll materials, the following 12 Mongolian titles were chosen to start the reading for setting up the DAISY library:
1. World History (2 volumes)
2. Mongolian History
3. Human Body Anatomy and Physiology
4. Manual on Massaging
5. Bulgakov M.A "Master and Margarita"
6. Western Mongolian "Jangar" Heroic Epic Poetry
7. Literature read in high schools - Mongolian and World Classics (2 volumes)
8. Ayurzana G."Essay and stories"
9. Samuel S."Self-Support Techniques"
10. A Computer Handbook
11. Narangerel S., Oyuntsetseg B. "New Technologies - for Production" (cooking classes)
12. Everyday household advice
The recording of the first Mongolian DAISY book named "World History" began on July 26. Its editing started on August 9 and was completed within 3 days. When producing DAISY books, the provisions of the Mongolian Copy Right Law as well as the position of the International Federation of Library Associations are taken into account.
The recording of the 2nd book named "Master and Margarita" by Russian writer M.Bulgakov began on August 12 and is being continued currently.
b. Please list challenges that were experienced in implementing the project during the reporting period. Please explain what caused the challenges and what steps were taken to overcome them.
The main problem that we have encountered was related to the financial issues. They were as follows:
1/ the money transferred to our account were received to our account at the Central State Foundation which is actually a State Bank. It is a too much busy institution and the transactions to Japan and South Korea to buy equipment were done very slowly. Due to this some valuable time to be used for creative activities, was lost.
2/ Sudden rise of building materials prices made influence also on the unpredicted raising of payment to the work related to the repairing of rooms as well as electricity wiring work.
c. Please describe any variances from the project plan.
There were 3 issues that were not taken into account when we prepared our project plan.
We did not realize the necessity in a computer that was to be installed in the DAISY Digital Talking Book reading room where DAISY digital books could be copied directly to the BookSense DAISY player from that computer, blind and low vision readers to read a book using Daisy book player software on this computer. Finally using Internet for improving knowledge about DAISY technology and others
We were to predict that the prices of construction materials may rise when the spring comes. It was winter time when the project was written and the prices were probably frozen at that period.
When the Studio preparation work started, we found that the electricity network and wiring condition were at the level that could not meet Technical Safety and Fire Prevention requirements. Important was to change all the wiring in the rooms.
For tackling problems that were encountered and completing the Studio preparations at a quality level and buying the DAISY player computer for blind and low vision readers, we used money that became available due to the price difference when 40 pcs of BookSense-DAISY Player and 2 pcs of Plextalk PTR2 Digital Book Recorder were purchased. Detailed explanation of the balance is given in the Financial Report with all the related documents attached.
d. If there are stories from your experience in implementing the project that you would like to highlight, please provide narrative below and/or pictures (optional).
Of immense importance was the participation of Mr. M.Tsengel in the project idea development process. He was well aware of this new and advanced technology of information dissemination as he had participated in DAISY Seminar held in Malaysia before. He is an excellent expert able to use PC and electronic equipments while being a blind person himself. As Mr. Tsengel, the Project's Team Member, is closely related to the modern media technologies and also can feel the necessity of the visually disabled persons, this project has much chances to be greatly successful.
In the near future, when the DAISY Talking Book Center will attract more persons with visual disabilities, some preparations may become necessary to increase convenience for them to enter and exit the library building by adjusting the entrance door, pavement and nearby areas to the needs of these people.
We created a Face Book page to share our project photos and news at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Daisy-Talking-Book-Center-News/102906149767043
a. Please insert all agreed upon Activities as outlined in your proposal. If there are additional Activities necessary to complete project, please highlight and explain in section II c.
Activity | On Track or Completed On Track with Challenges Challenges Experienced | ||
| 01.06.2010 | Completed | |
| 01.06-2010 | 15.06.2010 | Completed |
| 15.05-2010 | 15.06.2010 | Completed |
| 15.06.2010 | 01.07.2010 | Completed |
| 02.07.2010 | 20.04.2011 | On Track |
| |||
| 10.07.2010 | 31.04.2011 | On Track |
| 10.10.2010 | Awaited | |
| 01.10.2010 | 01.03.2011 | On Track |
| 02.01.2010 | 31.03.2011 | Awaited |
| 01.11.2010 | 31.04.2011 | Awaited |
| Twice a year 25.05.2010 16.11.2010 | Awaited | |
| 25.06.2010 | Completed | |
| 15.10.2010 | Awaited | |
| 01.05.2010 | 31.04.2011 | Awaited |
b. Please provide a narrative describing achievements and progress on activities.
Application for Grants – Establishment of DAISY Digital Talking Books Center
- Project title: Establisment of DAISY Digital Talking Books Center
- Library / Organization
Name of library / organization |
Legal status of the library / organization |
Address | UPL, Seoul St-7, Ulaanbaatar-210628, Mongolia Zip code: 14253 |
Telephone | (976) 7011 5705 |
Country | Mongolia |
URL of the library / organization web site (If applicable) | http://pl.ub.gov.mn www.mnfb.mn |
Project primary contact person | Mr. J.Begzsuren (UPL and TBC) Mr. M.Tsengel (MNFB) |
E-mail address of the primary contact | ubplibrary@gmail.com (UPL and TBC) tsengel.tech@gmail.com (MNFB) tsengel.tech@hotmail.com |
Head of the library/organization | Mrs. Ch.Altantsetseg, Deputy Director, UPL |
- Library statistics
UPL TBCTotal population of the area served by your library - Million
9,402 Average number of users served by your library per day 730 4Average number of users served by your library per year 227,706 656Number of computers for public usage 13 NoNumber of full-time staff in your library 81 1Number of part-time staff in your library n/a n/aNumber of volunteers in your library 1 -Number of computers for staff usage 28 1Does your library have internet connection? What type? Fiber optics,
1 MbpsFiber optics,
1 MbpsDo you charge a membership fee? If so, how much in USD 1.0 to 4.0 NoDo you charge computer and Internet usage? If so, how much in USD No NoLast annual library budget (USD) 274,599 6,100 Please list source(s) of budget
B. Talking Book CenterUPL:
(a) from state budget – 222,958 USD
(b) from the services - 51,539 USD
Talking Book Center:
(a) from state budget /Reading Room and salary/ – 5,300
(b) from donations /books/ - 800 - Project summary
Please provide an abstract of the project (idea, target group(s), main activities, and expected results. (Approximately 100 words) As statistics say, there are currently 130 thousand people with visual impairment in Mongolia, of which 9,400 are partially or totally blind. Approximately 10% of the handicapped are the blind. Unemployment and inflation as well as harsh Mongolian freezing cold weather (-30C) conditions make the living of these people even more difficult. It is noted that almost 80% of information is obtained by reading and that is why it is much important for the blind people to find alternative ways that can compensate their incapability to bring knowledge through the reading process. One of the most important ways for reaching this goal is the use of audio books. For realising this task, the Ulaanbaatar City Public Library (UPL) set up a special Reading Room for blind persons in 2004. Currently UPL is in the process of developing a national network of libraries to serve blind persons, with services available through public libraries in regional centers and at the major colleges. The Library is now planning the migration from analogue to digital format for its talking book collections. UPL is searching for new forms of services which could be useful in helping the person with visual impairment gain better access to the larger stocks of information. Much should be done in this regard, including the quality and quantity of recorded materials. The better arranging of the text recording shall reduce the need for human readers for the blind, one of the most important tasks for increasing the possibility of the use of information. |
Library and community profile
Please give a brief description of the library, including its most important services and achievements. Please describe the communities that you serve. (Approximately 200 words) The Ulaanbaatar City Public Library was established in 1980. Today UPL is composed of the Central and 4 branch libraries. By 2009 UPL had over 500,000 books, periodicals, sutras, Braille and large print books, AB materials in Mongolian, Russian and English. 50% of the stock is registered in online catalogue. There are 850 seats and the books could be read both on site as well as loaned for 7 days. Over 665 thousand books and other materials are borrowed to nearly 74 thousand readers and 227 thousand visitors annually. In 2004 jointly with the Mongolian National Federation of the Blind, the library implemented one part of the Asian Development Bank's program on "Increasing Labor Opportunities of the Disabled". UPL provided a library room free-of-charge for establishing a Talking Book Center, and till presently it covers all the electricity and other utility expenses. Also a salary is paid to the person who is running these services. |
Project objectives:
Please explain (based on the evidence on community need assessment) the problems and local needs that the project wants to address. (Approximately 300 words) There are 743 audio records of 247 titles, 1,263 Braille books of 151 titles, 34 large-prints of 30 titles available to the customers. The new Braille books were donated from the Asian Foundation (USA), and are prepared at the Braille Center of the Mongolian National Federation of the Blind. The audios are recorded in the Audio Center of this Federation. Large prints were donated by the All-Russia Federation of the Blind in 2004. Though the right start was made to help the blind persons in updating their knowledge, much is needed to be done for providing them an opportunity to the better education. Mongolia has 21 provinces and over 300 soums (counties). All of them have Culture Centers and one librarian working for the networking which is much important. Unfortunately, these rural libraries have no materials for the visually impaired persons. Out of nine thousand people, only 150 are employed in the Occupational and Training Enterprise for the Blind People, 50 are self-employed as singers, musicians and teachers, 80 go to the special secondary school and 40 are studying in colleges. Presently the major way of information access for these people is the human reading which is not available to the majority and not persistently. The purpose of this project is to introduce a highly efficient and new for Mongolia content-creation technology that is the Digital Talking Book prepared on DAISY. It is greatly hoped that the implementation of this project will establish a firm foundation for the continuous skill development training for adults, help the children and teens to be more self-esteemed and, in general, encourage all to be more enthusiastic in looking for the information that could factually increase their living standards. See Tip sheet: Needs Assessment |
Target group(s)
Who are the beneficiaries of the project and how will they be involved in the development of services? (Approximately 100 words) All the partially and totally blind persons are the target groups of this project. The major problem of working with these people is the difficulty of connecting them. This is especially uneasy if their dwellings are located in the city outskirts or in the rural settlements. Once the content will become possible to be created digitally, we will organize an Internet seminar to instruct the librarians in all 21 provinces and 300 counties, as well as at major colleges on the use and dissemination of DAISY-made audio materials. Also an agreement should be made with the National Postal Authority on the process of delivery to the provinces. Of much importance is the provision in the Social Welfare Law that the mail for the blind should be delivered to any distance within the country free-of-charge. Also the currently existing system of inter-library loan will be intensively utilised for the exchange of materials with district and college libraries within the capital city area. |
Please describe the role of your partners in the project. (Approximately 100 words) Established in 1978, the Mongolian National Federation of the Blind (MNFB) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization. Its purpose is to assist the members to gain access in education and acquire employment opportunities; running cultural, sporting and charity events; protecting the rights of members and of the blind population; and supporting the further involvement of the blind in normal social life. In 2008, MNFB activities included the Rehabilitation and Training Center for the Blind; the Braille and Talking Books Publishing Center; the "Best Massage" Chain; and "Best FM 98.5", all aiming to improve the well-being of the blind. MNFB also has specialized branches, with separate councils for youth, women, senior citizens, sports and cultural activities. Each council has 5-7 members, all appointed by the MNFB Governing Board for a four-year term. Mr. M.Tsengel, an IT Instructor of the Federation's Rehabilitation and Training Center, took part in the seminar named "DAISY for All - International Training Trainers" organized by DAISY Consortium in Bangkok, May 2008. During the seminar the major player software called AMIS (Adaptable Media Information System), as well as recording programs (SigtunaDAR3 and MyStudioPC) were introduced. In case if the project is approved, he will serve as the major expert in introducing DAISY in Mongolia. |
Project work plan
Please outline the project workplan – main activities and duration of the activity. Please remember that this will be a 1 year project starting April 2010 and finishing March 2011. Please feel free to present the project workplan in another format such as a chart.
Project results
Please describe the social and economic benefits to the target group(s) as a result of this project. (Approximately 200 words) The social and economic benefits followed after the implementation of the project are enormous. Take just one example. Currently the blind people have only one place where they can work and get income. This is the Occupational and Training Enterprise for the Blind People located in the capital city which employs nearly 150 persons. Another 50 persons are working individually. Thus just 2% of the total number of the blind has job opportunities and 98% have to rely on their family members or the relatives during this difficult period of economic recession and skyrocketed inflation. The hardships of the current economic situation dictate that every member of the family shall contribute to the benefit for others. It is hoped that DAISY books, much of which prepared as talents improvement manuals, will tremendously encourage these people because the knowledge can bring exciting changes while motivating and fostering passionate approach. Of great importance are also the changes that may happen in the social psychology because the blind people will become deeply knowledgeable in some areas and able to serve as the carriers of information, provide consultancy and give advice on specific issues within the local communities. |
- Dissemination and promotion
Please describe how will you attract people to use the service and how will you disseminate the information about the new service(s). (Approximately 200 words) One of the most efficient ways of making others being attracted to the issues that are new and not being practiced before is the demonstration of the best examples. For this purpose, the national radio and TV, as well as FM channels could be used extensively. If these encouraging examples of the people who achieved success while listening DAISY books are broadcast and published nationwide, not only the blind themselves but also the people around will feel happier, become more aware of their needs and start thinking of their contributions in further developing these kinds of services. Another way of disseminating information about the new services is the networking through the Internet. All the products that have been created and are going to be issued soonest should be made known to the local librarians who in turn shall announce about this to their customers. An important task of these librarians should be the survey made among the people who come for the service. In other words, during the 1-year period of the project implementation, a profound survey of the needs and demands should conducted through the "answer-to-question" querries, the results of which shall be taken into account when planning the content of the books/manuals for the next year. |
Project management team. Please add cells if needed.
1 | Name | Mrs. Ch.Altantsetseg (Project Coordinator) |
Current position | Deputy Director, UPL | |
Education and training, project related skills | Master Degree of Library Sciences, Cultural University | |
Responsibilities within the project team | Coordination of all the partners, supervision of the activities | |
2 | Name | Mr. J.Begzsuren (IT Advisor) |
Current position | IT Manager, UPL | |
Education and training, project related skills | Bachelor, Mongolian State University | |
Responsibilities within the project team | Advising in the selection and maintenance of the project equipment | |
3 4 | Name | Mr. M.Tsengel (DAISY Expert) |
Current position | IT Instructor of the Federation's Rehabilitation and Training Center, Mongolian National Federation of the Blind | |
Education and training, project related skills | Took part in the seminar named "DAISY for All - International Training Trainers" organized by DAISY Consortium in Bangkok, May 2008. | |
Responsibilities within the project team | Daily guidance of the Project implementation as an DAISY expert | |
2 | Name | To be hired (Sighted Reader) |
Current position | - | |
Education and training, project related skills | - | |
Responsibilities within the project team | A sighted reader to work on creating Digital Books | |
- Project budget
Please provide a detailed budget, including other funding sources if applicable. Ensure that the total amount matches the project budget overview and details sections. Budget should be in USD.
10.1 Expenses
Unit | Price for unit | Total USD | |
Equipment | - | - | 19,690 |
Book sense – DAISY player (DHL shipping cost included) | 40 pcs | 392 | 15,680 |
Plextalk PTR2 - Digital book recorder (DHL shipping cost, insurance and handling charges included) | 2 pcs | 805 | 1,610 |
Booksense and Plextalk's bank transfer charges | - | 50 | 100 |
PC for the Digital Studio | 1 pc | 1,500 | 1,500 |
PC for the Office | 1 pc | 800 | 800 |
Staff and administration | - | - | 7,500 |
Coordinator | 12months | 125 | 1,500 |
IT Advisor | 12months | 100 | 1,200 |
DAISY Expert | 12months | 250 | 3,000 |
Sighted Reader | 12months | 150 | 1,800 |
Contracted services (Consultants, Speakers, technical support, etc.) | - | - | 2,810 |
Digital (Audio) Studio designing /salary included/ | set | 1,500 | 1,500 |
Survey (public opinion) | set | 310 | 310 |
Training/Seminar | set | 1,000 | 1,000 |
Project related travel costs | - | - | - |
Add item | |||
Other cost (resources, marketing, etc) | - | - | - |
Add item | |||
TOTAL* | 30,000 |
- Sources of funding
Amount USD | |
Total of requested funds* | 30,000 |
List any other contribution (in-cash) if applicable | |
Add item | |
Total project budget from all sources | 30,000 |
- In-kind contributions:
Please list any in-kind contributions.
- Budget narrative
It is very important that your budget be clear to the selection committee. Briefly describe each budget item here. The budget is supposed to be used for the following:
By signing below, I declare that all statements in the application are accurate and complete.
Signature of authorized representative: | Date: 19 February, 2010 |
Please print your name: Ch.Altantsetseg (Mrs) | |
Title: Deputy Director, Ulaanbaatar City Public Library, Mongolia |
application for grants
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